I promise I'm still making my away across the bridge to France - I will hit every country around the World Showcase. But first, I just had to give a shout out to my buddy Emily, who had an article in last week's AllEars.net e-zine! Yes, there is a VEGAN article in the latest issue, and I actually learned something I didn't already know! No, I'm not going to share that - you'll have to read the article yourself.
And you know what's even more exciting? It looks like she'll be writing even MORE vegan stuff in future editions!
What's that? You're not a subscriber? Well, it's never too late to sign up for the best Disney newsletter in the world - just go here, and fill out the form. And if you missed the latest article, every newsletter includes a link to the archives, so you can read what you missed.
Okay, okay... back to my trip around the World...
That's awesome. Do you happen to have a link to the article itself? Thanks!
Aw, the latest articles aren't in-the archives. Sad!
Okay, now I feel bad for posting a "teaser"! Kelly - or anyone else who's interested - if you send me an e-mail (see link to the right), I'll forward a copy of the entire newsletter to you, okay?
(However, I do think this is a WONDERFUL newsletter, and I expect to see more from Emily in the future, so you still might want to sign up for your own future copies.)
Thanks everyone, for reading the blog!
~ Kitty (the bashful vegan)
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